Select the correct conveyor plate specifications, need to consider the following points:
1, the size of the product
The conveying product can be much wider than the conveying chain plate itself, if the center of gravity of the product and the center point coincide, the width of the conveying product can be 3 to 4 times the width of the conveying chain plate.
2, the weight of the product
The weight of the conveying product is very important to choose the specifications of the conveying chain plate, each conveying chain has its Z large traction, if a number of single heavy products are transported, the required traction must be calculated, if the product is accumulated during the conveying process, the required traction needs more.
3, transmission device function
For the specifications of all the above conveyor chain plates, most of the conveying functions can be achieved, and the conveying functions are also different according to the different types of conveyor chain plates. The XZZL65 and XZZM85 include components for a vertical wedge clamp transmission device.
4. Effective floor space
Sometimes the limited floor space makes it necessary to choose the smallest possible flexible conveying system.
5, compatibility with other equipment
Compared with other types of chain plates, the structural advantages of the flexible toothed chain plate produced by the flexible conveyor line manufacturer Xinzhongzhi make it easier to connect with other equipment.
No. 3, Guangda Road, Zhitang Industrial Park, Changshu City